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Welcome To Jordan's Wellness Coaching


To offer a supportive environment for clients to explore and reach their personal health and wellness goals in order to achieve sustainable, life-long, world-changing improvements beginning in our community.

Home: Welcome

Click HERE to schedule your FREE one-hour Health History consultation and learn more about taking the first step in your journey towards health!

What to Expect


  • Contact me to schedule a FREE consultation


  • You will receive a Health History form to complete prior to our meeting


  • I am available to meet in person or over the phone to go over your completed Health History form


  • We will discuss your current situation and talk about what you would like to achieve


  • All meetings will be no-pressure, no-judgment, and completely confidential

No one diet works for everyone.

I will guide you to find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. I will also help you make gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals.

No one diet works for everyone.

I will guide you to find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. I will also help you make gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals.

Most approaches to healthy eating dwell on calories, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Instead of creating lists of restrictions and good and bad foods, I coach my clients to explore basic improvements and implement gradual changes during our work together. As these pieces accumulate, my clients find these changes collectively creating a much larger impact than they originally anticipated. We work on what they want to improve within the circumstances of their unique situation.

Health Is Not Just About Nutrition!

Fresh Feta Salad

Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship(s) cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I work with my clients to get in touch with their body’s needs because I understand that life happens and your needs will change. I want to equip you with the self-awareness to make the best decisions for yourself in any given circumstance. I believe each person is fully capable of making well-informed decisions as their own expert, not the latest magazine article or fad diet book.

An Individualized Approach

Let’s define what you value most from your well-being. We’ll use these visions to motivate specific goals that bring you closer to where you want to be. As your coach, I will not dictate a diet for you, but together we will explore why some foods make you feel better than others and how to strategically use that feedback. Together we’ll co-create your health goals within reasonable time frames and actionable objectives so you know exactly what you’re working toward.

Natural Medicine

Deconstructing Cravings

Cravings play a critical role in understanding what your body needs and shouldn’t be ignored. When you learn how to deconstruct your cravings and understand what they’re really telling you, you will be able to reclaim a sense of balance and harmony.

Many nutrition experts give their clients a list of foods to avoid and foods to eat, which explains why so many people are turned off by nutrition. My approach is different – by eating and drinking foods that are good for you, you will naturally have less room and desire for unhealthy foods. Simply put, you will crowd out the unhealthy food in your diet. This takes a little practice to make happen, but I will support you along the way.

What is Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching?

Are you ready for the personalized care and attention you crave?

Click HERE to schedule your FREE Health History Consultation!

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